Band Manager - What's new

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This page shows the history of each change made on the application. Bug corrections, improvements and new features

Version 3.1.110 - January 2004:

  • Bug: Import - When you import a delimited file and the field for band number doesn't contain a dash ("-"), the data was saved without any change on the band inventory missing the standard format PPPP-SSSSS (prefix-suffix).
  • Improvement: Import - species code and the AOU code for delimited and fix length files required were mandatory, making that user should modify the file to import in order to include the column missing; now you have to provide only one of these columns only.
  • Improvement: Import - each time that user load a configuration file to import a delimited or fix length file, program checks that the configuration file has the same number of fields than the file to import and display a warning instead a program crash.
  • Improvement: Import - for delimited and fix length files when user selects and column name for each field, that column is checked as used and cannot be used for other field. Those unused column names will appear always at the first rows.
  • Minor: A new directory inside band manager was created. The IMPORT directory can be used to copy all files that need to be imported. By default program will look on the IMPORT directory but user is free to use any other path.
  • Minor: Table designer - making more visible user fields using a different color.
  • Minor: Table designer - check the field name for user fields. Now only letters and numbers will be allowed but no spaces or special characters.